Servicer Oversight
The Servicer Oversight team has maintained an active on-site servicer review program since 1999. For servicers not included in the on-site program, Servicer Oversight performs an annual desk review. Our team of experts examines over twenty operational or risk areas through file review, loan level examination, documentation analysis, and on-site discussions to ensure servicers meet quality standards set by transaction agreements, the industry, and our clients. By understanding a servicer’s operations, we can better work with them to improve the overall servicing of our clients’ portfolios.
Operational Due Diligence
Using the same philosophy as a site review, we can perform a targeted or general due diligence review for a new seller or servicer on behalf of our client. By understanding the operations, our clients have greater insight on how to best utilize the new seller or servicer to maximize its business needs.
Existing Clients
Investor Portal - Nationstar’s proprietary Investor Portal provides our clients unprecedented access to loan and performance data.
Secure File Upload - Our Secure File Upload allows for the secure exchange of data between Nationstar and our business partners and clients.